Dawn D.'s review of WalkFit


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/30/2011
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Review 9/30/2011
I purchased WalkFit Platinum insoles from an informerical and thought the price was a pretty good deal. Boy, was I ever wrong. When I placed my order online through their website, first, I didn't get a page showing me my total for the purchase,then a screen pops up with offers for other companies. I tried to scroll through it to make sure I wasn't ordering something I did not consent to. I received my insoles about 2 weeks later. Then, I happen to go online to look at my bank account and found 3 fraudulant charges to my bank account for things I never ordered. I went to my bank and luckly for me I got my money back, but I had to cancel my debit card and order a new one. I was so ticked off, I came home, boxed up the insoles and sent them back, still under the 30 day satisfaction guarentee. Well, a month later I am still waiting for my refund. You would think that since they can't credit my account because I cancelled the card, they would just send a check...........NO!!! I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and got a copy of the response from WalkFit. They are saying that I must have viruses on my computer and that the only offers on their website are theirs...Bull Crap!!!. They were the only place online I placed an order so it had to come from their end. I order all the time online and NEVER had a problem until WALKFIT!. If you want good insoles, go to a foot doctor and have custom insoles made. Yes, you will pay more, but at least you know who you are dealing with. I wouldn't trust this company for anything. Their infomericals should be taken off the air and this company shut down.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 819-6294 Address   P.O. Box 9169
Van Nuys, CA 91409
Website   http://www.walkfit.com Email   marya@walkfit.com
Contact   Mary Armstrong Other  
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