Do not use this service
Do not use this service. Neither of my tickets was dismissed due to this service. I submitted their trial by declaration and both came back with a guilty verdict! My tickets were actually dismissed later because the police didn't show at my trial de novo (which I setup myself because ticketkick wanted to charge me for that too). The other reason why I don't suggest this service is because of the refund policy and the customer service. If they don't get your ticket dismissed they only refund part of their fee and, you have to submit the refund request within 30 days. However, in my case, the court sent the decision to the wrong address so I did not get it in time to submit within 30 days. Ticket Kick says to check with the court 6-15 weeks out if you don't receive a decision. I checked closer to 15 weeks and they had issued the decision a while beforehand and sent it to the wrong address so, even though I did everything ticketkick asked, and, through no fault of my own (through court error), the 30 day period was missed; they still did not give me my refund!