Review 7/7/2010
Stay away from this company.... are crooks.... All of them....
It starts with "Lisa" who is dishonest and present false promises and is vague in her contract agreement/ statement. The information is brief and omits many of the details discussed. (the are a bait and switch company... You call Vanlines and you are outsourced to this bozo company 1 Mover Depot. When you clarify costs and verify practices you are told that they have moving blankets and this is part of the cost quoted. (not quite...) Also made payment arrangement to pay half today and the remainder next week since my closing was delayed at the last minutes. Lisa stated this would be no problem... Lair!
Next you receive a call from Elay.... He poses as a dispatcher confirming the details for pickup and delivery. No problem... yet!!!!
Then the crew arrives... Ash and Shaun arrive... They are very polite and nice but in retro I should have realize I was being led to slaughter when Ash kept saying... "we'll take care of you... I will cut you a break...) Then it starts... they start charging you for boxes. Actually, they charge you for boxes that I had ( you need to really watch them but honestly they are such crooks it doesn't matter since they do not provide you will an accurate detail of supplies were you.
They make it up as they go... I love the term they use "Crate It" all that means is that they throw it in a wardrobe box which of course they charge you for.
So we are now on the road.... we arrive at the destination for up loading only to have Ash demand full payment. I explained the verbal arrangements made with Lisa and he calls Elay. All of sudden, Elay is now the owner... and goes ballistic. He is yelling and ranting and raving; not to mention many many threats. I try to explain the arrangements made and he after much discussion and many threats, tells me he is taking my stuff.
The cost quotes was much higher than stated in writing and the supply cost were outrageous. Next thing, I am being told the cost is $2,100. I am unable to pay secondary to my escrow falling out and he refused to accept a credit card over the phone. He only wants cash. They leave and take all papers... I have asked for any papers and they would not provide me with any copies.
The drivers leave ( approx 3:30 or 4pm) and I call Elay after speaking with family at 6ishpm... I am unable to reach him and l leave him a message. At approx. I received a call...at 10:30pm and now the cost is $3,800 . Since the company rents their trucks... they unload the truck and reload the truck as a way to get more money. Elay states his only wants cash.
My sister calls Elay and works out with him payment via a credit card. They rewrite the contract and put it in her name and create a new contract in my name for a second delivery. The second delivery was initially to go to their warehouse to store some items... Obviously, I was no longer interested in this... and I asked for some of my items to be brought to Public Storage. This Public Storage (located on Jefferson and Centinelia) was on the way from their warehouse in Gardena to my apt. in Marina del Rey. The Public Storage was off the rte. 90. Elay charged me with $400.00 in cash (I got a money order) inaddition to the $3,800. They are a couple rip off.... Oh yeah... the two new driver /movers (Peter and Carlos) were the "good cops" making comments like I am quitting today.. I can no longer work for Elay and this company. The have terrible practices and are cheater and stealer's." Yet Peter the foreman was not honest since I saw my step ladder when we were unloading at the Public Storage Facility yet when I was asked to check the truck... (which appeared empty but do check the one wardrobe box that they claim has the blankets in it because it could have been used to block your view of the items they were stealing.
I called Elay and stated these were some of the items that I have noticed were missing and he said "Oh they must me in you Storage unit... I said not ... I personally saw the item and it was on the truck after the leaving the storage" He said he would check into it... that day will be when "hell freezes over".
I also had asked on several occasions, to have everything send in writing to my email.... he was selective as to what he would send... and when asked again... he would not comply.
I do not know, it I have a legal leg to stand on... but I will be exploring every avenue and I will make use of all legal ways to alert others of this company's illegal and unethical practice. They prey on people who are very stressed and overwhelmed. Moving is one of the highest stressors and they completely take advantage of this...
Please do not use this company... Elay, you are an evil and unkind person and God knows, I believe you reap what you sow.
God help you!!!!
Also they steal and broke several items. My dining room table leg was broken, several picture frames ... they stole a step ladder, a bicycle pump, a box of canned food, my tool box. These are the things that I am aware of as of today.