Rude, contradicting, unprofessional
Ms. Bluel, the owner of said company, denied service member claim and was unprofessional in emails. She contradicted herself in her last email. Date of problem 24th of August 2020, sales rep is Linda Bluel, claim amount provided to Linda in DPS website. Claim was submitted August 2020 outside of 75 day window due to covid and website server issues. Claim includes, broken couch feet, tv screen damage, broken laptop, severely scratched desktop screen, support brace to dresser broken, out of country souvenirs damaged, dishes broken, picture frame broken, etc. Ms. Bluel, directly denied our claim with statement "outside of 75 days" as well as no contact being made with TSP. We refuted both due to covid as well as us speaking to quality assurance in TSP. We did as told and filed the claims through DPS. Ms. Bluel replied to our email with rude sentencing as well as becoming argumentative. I kindly emailed back asking her to not be rude and for her supervisors point of contact. In her final email she stated she was the owner of the company in BOLD text, her employees also had a hard time with accessing the DPS site, and again said that she would deny our claim. 2 days later I emailed in response that she clarified the server being down and her title as owner of the company.